Spotter Platform

Spotter Technical Specifications

Team Sofar

Size and weight:

External dimensions: [ W X H ]: 42cm x 31cm (16.4in x 12.2in)
Weight: 5.4kg (12lbs)

Data and connectivity:

Connectivity: Iridium SBD (satellite)

Data storage:

Full-size SD card (on-board) - records time series of displacement data
Online Dashboard (cloud) - access to real-time data and Spotter configuration


Free-drifting: Spotter measures waves, wind, position and surface currents. Spotter is designed to operate in any weather conditions, including extreme waves, and fast-flowing surface currents.

Moored: Spotter measures waves and position

Onboard data analysis:

Spectral output as a function of frequency: variance density spectrum, directional moments, mean direction, directional spreading
Frequency range 0.033-1 Hz (30s to 1s period).

Bulk statistics: significant wave height, mean period, peak period, mean direction, mean directional spread, peak direction, peak directional spread

Battery and power:

Primary power source: Solar Powered, 5x 2 Watt, 6 Volt solar panels
Battery: Lithium-ion, capacity 11,200 mAh, 3.7v (rechargeable)

Motion sensing:

Onboard motion sensors: fast-sampling GPS
Motion Data Format: x (easting), y (northing), z (vertical, positive up), latitude (deg), longitude (deg)
Wave frequency range: 0.03-1 Hz (30s to 1s)
Wave direction range: 0 - 360 degrees (full circle)
Sampling rate: 2.5 Hz (Nyquist @ 1.25Hz)
Wave displacement accuracy: approximately +/- 2cm practical accuracy depends on field of view, weather conditions, and GPS system status.
Calibration: Not needed, ever.


Firmware Upgrade: Standard micro-USB connector (cable included)
System monitoring: System monitors general health and status of solar and battery power.

Spotter Technical Specifications

January 1, 2021

Compact 42x31cm, 5.4kg device with Iridium SBD connectivity, SD card storage, and solar power for accurate wave and wind data analysis in any conditions.

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