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In the News
September 28, 2020
Swarm Reveals Pricing for Its Satellite Data Network
In the News
September 7, 2020
¿Cómo implementar sistemas de monitoreo continuo para centros salmoneros con estándar SMA?
In the News
July 13, 2020
IMOS sensors in the Bonney Upwelling to help Deakin marine scientists
In the News
July 13, 2020
NOAA’s Global Drifter Program Partners with the National Data Buoy Center to Support US Navy-funded Spotter Drifter Deployments
In the News
July 2, 2020
New weather buoy deployed off Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
In the News
June 30, 2020
COVID-19 Delays Great Lakes Buoy Deployment, MTU Helps Fill the Gap
In the News
June 30, 2020
Drifting IMOS wave buoys have revealed the intensity and duration of Perth’s recent superstorm.
In the News
June 22, 2020
In the News
June 7, 2020
WMO - Ocean Buoy awareness
In the News
May 31, 2020
New Technology Proving
In the News
April 7, 2020
Tropical Cyclone Harold : Real-time Ocean Data Informs Preparedness and Response
In the News
December 9, 2019
Wave movements under surveillance
In the News
December 3, 2019
Seagoing drones are eliminating the data gap on Earth’s last frontier
In the News
November 9, 2019
Distant-source swell events cause coastal inundation on Fiji’s Coral Coast
In the News
November 9, 2019
NSW Nearshore Waves Program
In the News
June 17, 2019
Wave Technology Is Catching Attention: New Research Published
In the News
March 26, 2019
Ocean drone startup merger spawns Sofar, the DJI of the sea
In the News
September 28, 2017
Technology & Sport Collide at Red Bull Heavy Water